Thursday, November 13, 2008

Love has no limit

Basically, love not being just a feeling, or an emotion, or an ability; love being a choice, it has no limit. We can love whoever we want to.

But hear me well, it does not mean we can appreciate anybody. Because that would be a feeling. It doesn't mean we can like people just by wanting it.

What we can choose to do however is to care about people. And that includes caring about people more than about things. It means listening when your mom talks to you, even if you're in the middle of your favorite show on TV. Most people, if brought to the choice of life or death, would choose their mom over their show anyway, so why not actually do it in your everyday life ?

Same with your friends. You can't just wait for them to get better if they are depressed. You can't just hang out with them when everything's all right, and abandon them if they are not well. If you want them to go better, why don't you help them ?

I'm not asking you why you don't feel like doing it, I'm asking you why you choose not to do it. Not to show them love.