Thursday, March 18, 2010

Loving after loving

This overwhelming love... to the point that you lose your mind, and you don't know what to say anymore.

Beautiful feeling, exalting drug. But when the feeling isn't there anymore - and it will vanish now and then - does one keep loving ?

Will the man who married the sweetest woman still love her when she unleashes her furor on him ? Will the woman who fell in love with the strongest and most comforting man still love him when he is weak ?

When the feeling is gone, what remains of your love ?

If anything remains, then it is a will, a choice to love.

And if nothing remains, don't you then depend entirely on your feelings to live ? Are you not a slave to the least emotion ?

And don't know that emotions are unstable, misleading, intoxicating, chaotic ? Do you really want to build your life on such quicksand ?